Life with Jasmine, Juliet and Buttercup, Our Rescued Dachshunds

Random notes on our experience with THREE rescued miniature dachshunds

Time For Walkies

on July 27, 2007

Wallace and Gromit are my favorite animated characters. Gromit, that lovable pooch, loves walkies. So does Jasmine.

After she got over the “bucking bronco”stage, she is fine with walking on the leash. She had some issues with curbs, but we got over that pretty quickly. I have also learned that when she’s afraid of something, I should stand still and then slowly approach whatever she’s afraid of. She was afraid of the gate at the side of our house and wouldn’t go through. By using this tactic, I was able to get her to move through the gate with no fear. She’s taking her cues from me.

I got some new books. A few by Patricia McConnell, and one called “Katz on Dogs.” They all look interesting. I’m a great fan of the San Jose Library system these days. Between my business and my dog, I’m reading about 16 books at one time!

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